
书悦 | 2006-11-28 星期二 14:46   修改@2009-11-28 13:34 | 评论↓


Browse the book: If the publication is in the public domain, you can page through the entire thing 다운로드. If under copyright and submitted by the publisher, you may only be able to browse a few pages at a time. However, you can search for a word that exists beyond those pages, bring up that page and then browse a few other pages near that page 다운로드. If under copyright and submitted from a library, you will only be able to view the bibliographic information and a few short sentences of text around your search term 다운로드.


1) 翻至本次可以看到的最后一页 P;
3)把这个词或短语填入 Search within the book 的文本框内,点击 Go;
4)在右边会显示出搜索结果,从中找到当前页 P,然后点击之;
5)这样在当前页 P 的后面就又可以多看两页了;

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